2016 Micro-Press Survey

Happy New Year!


And you know what the New Year brings: another micro-press survey! (Also more vintage clock-and-girl glamor shots.)

Did you fill out the survey for 2015? Then go HERE for the Fast Track Survey.
(The survey is streamlined and shorter than ever!)

If you didn’t fill out the survey for 2015, please go HERE.

New for the 2016 Yearbook! Publishers that only publish anthologies will now be included in the Micro-Press Yearbook. Because I’ve never tracked these publishers before, I have a lot of catching up to do. If you only publish anthologies, please complete our regular 2016 Survey. If you’d like to recommend some anthology publishers for the list, please reply in this post’s comments.

Thanks, guys, for sticking with me! Professionally, 2016 was an amazing year. I landed my dream job: I’m a full-time graphic novel editor. But that meant I didn’t have as much time to dedicate to this blog and the Micro-Press Yearbook. I’m hoping to pick up the slack in 2017, and deliver the next Yearbook earlier (by May, I hope).

I’d like to take a moment to thank these great publishers that filled out my 2015 survey. I couldn’t have done it without you.

THANK YOU 2d Cloud, AdHouse Books, Alternative Comics, Big Planet Comics, Birdcage Bottom Books, Czap Books, Desert Island, The Devastator, Dog City Press, Floating World Comics, Hang Dai Editions, Hic & Hoc Publications, Hidden Fortress Press, INK BRICK, Issue Press, Kilgore Books & Comics, Northwest Press, One Percent Press, Pegacorn Press, Pity Party, Price Tapes, Ray Ray Books, Retrofit Comics, Revival House Press, Rough House, Secret Acres, Silver Sprocket, So What? Press, Sonatina Comics, Sparkplug Books, Tinto Press, Yeah Dude Comics, Yeti Press, and Youth in Decline.




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